Ravi Dosaj examines our awareness of an internal existence. Dosaj alerts us to the illusion, maya of our external lives and our perception. He shows us a different world of vibration, interaction and oneness.

"Clouds" One-of-a-Kind Mixed Media by Ravi Dosaj

"Clouds are metaphors for blockage in the mind. These clouds can be anger, frustration, envy and are usually causing the person some type of anguish. In the center of the artwork you see the Buddha meditating with clarity as the light beams down upon him.

If we can go past the clouds of our thoughts, samskaras and enter a state of meditation, we can look at our lives as a projector. Are we the one projecting too many clouds? Obviously, we'd rather be in the position of the Buddha."
-Ravi Dosaj
Note: Trauma is different from clouds and goes much deeper.

"Divine Eyes" by Ravi Dosaj
30"x30" archival pigment print

"We see life from a duality perspective. This is good and this is bad viewpoint disappears. Now that the superficial lens is removed, we see that everything is connected as one by vibration and that everything is actually god."
-Ravi Dosaj


"Samurai" by Ravi Dosaj
40"x30" archival pigment print

"Shiva" by Ravi Dosaj
54"x24" archival pigment print

"Maya" by Ravi Dosaj
30"x30" archival pigment print